color pic-- this is the best from sluggo's papparazi (sp?) shoot
and these black and whites could be interesting for something? I paid Ian $100 bucks to design us posters using these images as a base and he made some things but I think he's lost it all and has a hard time managing what he's already got on his plate anyway...aaahhh to not be 20 anymore is such a blessing.
ps wanna go to buenos aires?
That is a good paparazzi shot.
I think I need to get some good fashion magazines and look at the adds, cross-referencing those adds with Artforum. Maybe we need to look into the series of Adds Jeff Koons did a while ago.
That sounds great. Whoever gets to it first needs to place it here. Right now I'm drinking brandy and decompressing from 9 hours of crit with my students. They made animations and it was really exciting. I'm learning so much from them, It's amazing. Can't wait to show you. I'm learning how to use flash right now(macromedia version) and working on my own site. When I get to us I wanna make sure that you approve of everything I put there and that we communicate about that. I know we need our own site eventually......"All good things in all good time"..I've never asked you if you were ever into the Grateful Dead? Did you know I used to follow them around? I miss you. Friday I'm off to Art Basel and then to install a piece in a teeny tiney town called ft. pierce. I'm working with the sculpture prof, Valerie and we got a retail space with two story windows and we don't know what the hell we're doing yet really. But the cool thing is the name. The Arcade Building and it's like the arcades in Paris that Benjamin wrote about.
The Artforum is like the fashion mag of art. I think that's kind of an interesting comparison and connection. I like Jeff Koons (no matter what anybody else says) and i think it's a great idea to research that. I don't care if it's been done before, I think we should at least check it out--the cost of an ad, i think. You know the Wedding Portraits really helped us get here. People at school were especially critical of that piece and I think that's kinda funny. The context for that piece was especially significant and I think we need to know and remember how much it works for us.
oh, btw I did some photoshopping to the sluggo's shot, it's not great, but i hope that;s ok. we had redeye and people with shiny glasses in the original...
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